Huwebes, Setyembre 20, 2012

Pinoy Blonde



   Foreign Influences

        Peque Gallaga is considered the Philippines equivalent to the early Spielberg and the director of Pinoy Blonde Movie. This movie is the story of 2 cousins who is Andrew Tan and Conrad Cunanan. Their dying Uncle Tom (Mark Gil) gives them a tasked to deliver a brown bag to Maricopa Hotel which is an abandoned hotel. When they finally get to the place, they encounter gang of criminals which is (Eddie Garcia and Jaime Fabregas) who want to kill them and the interesting part of the movie story started from this scene. Conrad Cunanan (Epi Quizon) in this movie he’s the type of person that is very straight forward and always saying bad words on what he is talking. Andrew Tan (Boy 2) is very sensitive and he feels that he is older than his cousin and a leader.
       After the final minute of the movie Conrad Cunanan and Andrew Tan get the money from the bag and they’re happy because they found out that the girlfriend of Conrad which is Yanni (Iza Calsado) is pregnant. He promised to his cousin that he wants to live life to Yanni forever.
       This movie is a typical Pinoy film it shows the true life story of Filipino people. It also shows us how foreign movies influenced us Filipino. This film proved us that in every foreign movie that we’re watching we Filipino have adapted their culture and we want also to follow them in terms of hair style, dresses and etc. It is now alarming because this movie show us; it is true that Filipino lifestyle and movies is already dying.
         A lot of movies appeal comes from its constant dropping of different film references. There’s so many quotes came from different films Star wars, Kill Bill, Terminator and The Matrix. Some scenes are re-generated in the minds of main character to complement the movies they’ve seen. This movie also has an animation and I think the animation helps a lot the film to be successful. However this film also acknowledges the changes in trends and the Pinoy taste in terms of movie. The music that they use in this film is original composition and very Filipino. This is the best part because they give life to the Filipino music and I think this film gives an example that our music industry is not yet dying.
       In terms of language of this film they used an ordinary language that when you watch this film you can’t imagine that they are professional actors because they’re speaking “BABAL” or Colloquial terms. It is not like watching characters delivering their lines on Big Screen but listening to an ordinary people in the street. I think the language is not fit to the story because if you’re an educated person you don’t want to use a words that the viewers or audience will be offend to what the actors are talking but I understand that the Director has a reason why he choose this kind of language and I think he wants the viewers feel and understand very well that they want to proved that this language will be effective to the story. The viewers enjoy the movie because they use a full conversation where in humor comes from the dialogue itself.
       This is not yet the end of all Filipino movie but it is the beginning that Filipino Directors should inspired to do movies that we should proud of. I observed that we Filipino’s are fan of doing Indie Film in fact I see that it has a potential in our industry. I can say that “There’s no wrong if sometimes your perspective is different from others because if you do what you want it reflects you personality.”


Film Review

Father vs. Family

          The Shining is one of the exciting I’ve ever seen. This movie is not just horror but suspense and has a family lesson. The shining challenges me to create a film someday that have a package moral lesson to the viewers. Starting this day I am already a fan of Stanley Kubrick, producer and director and Stephen King who is the novelist of the shining. The story started when Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) accepts to be the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel when it’s already winter. Jack decides to move to the hotel with his wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and his young son Danny (Danny Lloyd) the reason why jack to the hotel is he wants to use time to finish writing his novel. In that day Jack also recovering alcoholic who broke his son’s arm because he is frustrated with his work.
          Jack meet the Head Chef who is Dick (Scatman Crothers) he has also “The Shining” it is a special power of mind of a person. Dick discovered that Danny has ability like him and they can communicate only in mind, both of them have a power to see the past and future. Danny got started to tell Dick that he has an invisible friend named Tony that live in his mouth.
         A minute ago Wendy decided to contact with the One Station but winter hits the hotel and the phones knocked out of service because of snowstorm but Wendy use radio and it is short wave radio and she is thankful that a guy in the station answer her call and she informed that they are in the hotel. When she goes back to his husband he noticed that there is something wrong with his husband and also the hotel. Dick also call to the station that he needs to contact to the family Torrance in the Overlook Hotel but when Jack hear the phone ringing he destroy it.                               
       Dick feels uncomfortable because he knows that there’s something wrong with Torrance because the ability reflects him and he feels that Jack Torrance is not already in his mind. Dick decides to travel to Overlook Hotel and check up the family. On the Hotel jack not on his mind, he already wanted to kill his family and Danny saying REDRUM to her mother while he is writing it on the center of the door using red lipstick.
         Mr. Dick got to the Hotel but Jack kill him after that Jack keep on calling the name of Danny his son but Danny run outside the house and got to the maze but the only way that Danny’s solution is to stop running because his father following his footstep and his solution is to mislead his father and go back to the starting area of the maze where the Hotel was build. Finally, when got to Hotel her mother is waiting for him and they ride to the car and Jack Torrance died to the maze because of cold.
         The technique of the Director of this film is so effective because every scene of the movie there is a title. At first I thought that this movie is boring but when I hear the music it sounds interesting for me and Danny the young son of Jack is so very good actor even though he is young he knows how to act very well the director choose the actors and actress carefully. Jack’s scenes with the ghosts at the bar and in The Cold Room were representations of his inner dialogue. This movie is an original it doesn’t have a similarity to other movies. I know Kubricks has knowledge about movies but this film is awesome. He is really a good director; in terms of the shots of the film he has so many strategies. The cinematography of this movie is so good the ultimate different of this film is at the beginning of the movie Director Kubrick used long shot and at the end he used zoom in on one of the many black and white photos that line the hotel walls it is so effective because you can feel scared in unconditional ways.

Huwebes, Agosto 2, 2012



           This picture reminds me that If all people loves and respect our natural resources and they didn’t kill all the animal especially this innocent bird our ecosystem will not be critical or it will become balance and this can help us to live more in this world. I like this picture because I captured the moment when the bird was reflected in the water. It appears like it was kissing its own reflection and I eventually remember the Greek mythological character named Narcissus.

            Narcissus is handsome young men who fall in love with his own reflection in the lake because of s nymph’s curse to him. This picture shows what I want to achieved in terms of photography. This picture that I captured the setting that I used ISO 800, shutter speed 1/125, aperture 5.6 and the lens that I used is telephoto lens 55-250. The reason why I choose this picture because I loved to captured the moment of all animals and they give me an extraordinary feeling.

A Perfectly Healthy Sentence

A perfectly healthy sentence, it is true is extremely rare.
For the most part, we miss the hue and fragrance of thought.
As if we could be satisfied with the dews of morning or evening, without their colors, or heavens without their azure.
The most attractive sentences are, perhaps not the wisest but the surest and proudest.
They are spoken firmly and conclusively as if the speaker had a right to know what says and if not wise they have at least been well learned.
                                                                                                                                  A Perfectly Healthy Sentence
By Henry David Thoreau




            Ridley Scott, the director of Blade runner was created an unforgettable image of Decaying City.  The sky is always, either by the rain clouds or residual fallout from nuclear war. Night and Day don’t seem much different. Blade Runner takes place in the year 2019 in Los Angeles. Specialized Robot was developed to act as slaves on an off world colony. Robots are called Replicants. This is because they are similar to human being yet created without emotions. SIX Replicants escape to the Earth, It is the job of Harisson Ford to find and kill them which they called Blade Runner.
            In the story there are two levels of human beings in the film. The upper level is affluent and healthy. Who are given the opportunity to begin a golden world opportunity and adventures. Second is destitute or unhealthy which they are unable to go off to another planet. They are trapped on version of earth which is dark.
          This level of the replicants who are treated as a slave and out of the world colony and used the hazardous exploration of the other planets. After the colony of the Earth replicants were declared as an illegal and Blade Runner has a mission to shoot and kill all the replicants. There was a fear on the part of Blade Runner; Replicants begin to feel emotion that’s why to prevent this, each replicants was given a four life span.
           After the final minute of the movie Harrison is hanging off the roof as the replicant want to kill him but it is different from what I am expecting. The replicant catches him and explained and given an option to share his compassion with the audience. Replicant is so powerful but he never kills the Blade Runner who killed his fello replicants. Instead, he accepted the truth that they will never live in the Earth for so long years and they should be thankful that they are given a chance to experience the life of being a normal human beings.
          Most humans in the movie are portrayed as less caring and less emotional replicants. The main character Deckard, is played by Harrison Ford and his emotionally restrained acting he human style is perfectly suited to the task. The only human portrayed with sympathy is an outcast who has more in common with the replicants than the human society. The performances of the actors and actresses in the movie are so amazing and they act as what they want the audiences can relate with their own character. It is so effective for me an as an audience to watch this movie because even if it is only an imaginative story, you can relate to the flow of the movie. We can determine the powerful of how technology takes place in our community. This movie gives as an idea on how we human being is so powerful in terms of technology. It is so alarming for us people that we should use the technology wisely and effectively because this movie gives us the positive and negative perspective that we should use our minds and don’t be dependent on the technology that we are using. It is the movie that when you’re going to elaborate and understand each step you can feel the nerve story of the movie. If you’re the kind of person that is not open minded at first you cannot understand what the difference between replicants and a normal human being but at the end if you’re a conscious person you can understand and image what they want you to prove.
       The visual and aural components of Blade Runner are so effective that flows in the plot can be overlooked. Blade Runner leak atmosphere and is a sci-fi classic.

Linggo, Marso 11, 2012

Singing in the Bathroom

Singing in the Bathroom
Stress Therapy

      We are all experiencing stress because of studies, work, and etc. The very demanding professors requiring us students to submit “out of this world” projects at a very limited time are so stressing. In the near future we will hunt a job and job haunting is another burden. When we were hired our bosses are very demanding, strict, authoritative, and irritating, again this will cause too much stress. Even at home we are experiencing stress. Our mothers are nagging at us, fathers are very strict, or siblings are very irritating. Because of these stresses we need to stress out and relax.
       Every individual has its own way to relieve stress and here is my own way to release stress. I call this “Singing in the Bathroom Therapy.”
       Filipinos love to sing. In every little thing we do we always sing. When we are in love we sing because we want to express our feelings. We love to sing alone or together with our friends. Music is part of our daily lives; many Filipinos are popular here and abroad because of singing. Filipinos really love to sing.
       When I am stressed because of hard day's work I go to the bathroom and sing. Because in the bathroom the sound will echo and I can have to relieving sound of my voice. And singing will release my stresses as well as my feelings. This is my way to stress out “The Singing in the Bathroom Therapy."


                    I am a type of person who has a positive perspective in life. I f I think that the person I am talking with is compatible to my attitudes he/she will be my friend and if he/she is honest that’s the thing our friendship will last forever. Claudine is a type of person that I loved so much because all the treats of being a friend I saw to her. When I transfer here in manila year 2009 she’s the first person who accept me as a real me and accept all the negative and positive things in my life. She also accepts me and treated me as her sister because we have the same attitudes and perspective in life. Until now were bestfiend 4 years hadn’t see each other but until now she’s the same but one thing I realized and she admitted it that she gain weight and she always laugh. We talked each other and share a story about our life even though we have lacked of time to talk each other but we still excited to share who is our boyfriend. This is our memorable moments and because we are addict in taking pictures on ourselves 4 years we didn’t see each other and this is it see the differences... huhuhu It so nice and we are giving each other a simple remembrance because as she knows how I treasure all the gifts that she given to me.