Huwebes, Setyembre 20, 2012


Film Review

Father vs. Family

          The Shining is one of the exciting I’ve ever seen. This movie is not just horror but suspense and has a family lesson. The shining challenges me to create a film someday that have a package moral lesson to the viewers. Starting this day I am already a fan of Stanley Kubrick, producer and director and Stephen King who is the novelist of the shining. The story started when Jack Torrance (Jack Nicholson) accepts to be the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel when it’s already winter. Jack decides to move to the hotel with his wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) and his young son Danny (Danny Lloyd) the reason why jack to the hotel is he wants to use time to finish writing his novel. In that day Jack also recovering alcoholic who broke his son’s arm because he is frustrated with his work.
          Jack meet the Head Chef who is Dick (Scatman Crothers) he has also “The Shining” it is a special power of mind of a person. Dick discovered that Danny has ability like him and they can communicate only in mind, both of them have a power to see the past and future. Danny got started to tell Dick that he has an invisible friend named Tony that live in his mouth.
         A minute ago Wendy decided to contact with the One Station but winter hits the hotel and the phones knocked out of service because of snowstorm but Wendy use radio and it is short wave radio and she is thankful that a guy in the station answer her call and she informed that they are in the hotel. When she goes back to his husband he noticed that there is something wrong with his husband and also the hotel. Dick also call to the station that he needs to contact to the family Torrance in the Overlook Hotel but when Jack hear the phone ringing he destroy it.                               
       Dick feels uncomfortable because he knows that there’s something wrong with Torrance because the ability reflects him and he feels that Jack Torrance is not already in his mind. Dick decides to travel to Overlook Hotel and check up the family. On the Hotel jack not on his mind, he already wanted to kill his family and Danny saying REDRUM to her mother while he is writing it on the center of the door using red lipstick.
         Mr. Dick got to the Hotel but Jack kill him after that Jack keep on calling the name of Danny his son but Danny run outside the house and got to the maze but the only way that Danny’s solution is to stop running because his father following his footstep and his solution is to mislead his father and go back to the starting area of the maze where the Hotel was build. Finally, when got to Hotel her mother is waiting for him and they ride to the car and Jack Torrance died to the maze because of cold.
         The technique of the Director of this film is so effective because every scene of the movie there is a title. At first I thought that this movie is boring but when I hear the music it sounds interesting for me and Danny the young son of Jack is so very good actor even though he is young he knows how to act very well the director choose the actors and actress carefully. Jack’s scenes with the ghosts at the bar and in The Cold Room were representations of his inner dialogue. This movie is an original it doesn’t have a similarity to other movies. I know Kubricks has knowledge about movies but this film is awesome. He is really a good director; in terms of the shots of the film he has so many strategies. The cinematography of this movie is so good the ultimate different of this film is at the beginning of the movie Director Kubrick used long shot and at the end he used zoom in on one of the many black and white photos that line the hotel walls it is so effective because you can feel scared in unconditional ways.

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