Huwebes, Agosto 2, 2012



           This picture reminds me that If all people loves and respect our natural resources and they didn’t kill all the animal especially this innocent bird our ecosystem will not be critical or it will become balance and this can help us to live more in this world. I like this picture because I captured the moment when the bird was reflected in the water. It appears like it was kissing its own reflection and I eventually remember the Greek mythological character named Narcissus.

            Narcissus is handsome young men who fall in love with his own reflection in the lake because of s nymph’s curse to him. This picture shows what I want to achieved in terms of photography. This picture that I captured the setting that I used ISO 800, shutter speed 1/125, aperture 5.6 and the lens that I used is telephoto lens 55-250. The reason why I choose this picture because I loved to captured the moment of all animals and they give me an extraordinary feeling.

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