Biyernes, Enero 27, 2012

Stressful Day

"Stressful Day”

                This day is super stressful day for me because it’s now the time where I’m going to report in my communication subject and I’m not confident. The topic that was given to me is about Elaboration Likelihood and the problem is I cannot understand the topic and my handouts. I am so pathetic but it is true ...I feel that I’m the most dumb person in the entire world. I don’t know why  I feel this kind of stupid feeling...I think also think that I don’t know how to speak with confident English in front of my classmates and professor. I’m so afraid to stay in front and I feel they will go to correct my grammar because I honestly admitted that I have a little speech difficulty. I also fun of playing my words BISAYA, TAGALOG, ENGLISH I always pronounced it jumbled words and I can’t control and understand why they’re always laughing on what I’m talking with. I admit that I am true bisaya and I came from province of ILOILO and not here in manila. I’ve always want them to proved that it’s not the reason that I can’t go with the flow to a bisaya but I can proved to them that all bisaya has a strong personality and fighting spirit and also we are not weak.
Being a student has big responsibilities because we have to achieve all the expectations of our parents they’re always giving us an advised for us to be able to be a good daughter and son but what we you cannot achieve that kind of expectations? All of us have parents that guide us in our everyday life.

Miyerkules, Enero 25, 2012



I was thinking recently how inconvenient it was not to have a general term for iPhones, iPads, and the corresponding things running Android. The closest to a general term seems to be "mobile devices," but that (a) applies to any mobile phone, and (b) doesn't really capture what's distinctive about the iPad.

After a few seconds it struck me that what we'll end up calling these things is tablets. The only reason we even consider calling them "mobile devices" is that the iPhone preceded the iPad. If the iPad had come first, we wouldn't think of the iPhone as a phone; we'd think of it as a tablet small enough to hold up to your ear.

The iPhone isn't so much a phone as a replacement for a phone. That's an important distinction, because it's an early instance of what will become a common pattern. Many if not most of the special-purpose objects around us are going to be replaced by apps running on tablets.

This is already clear in cases like GPSes, music players, and cameras. But I think it will surprise people how many things are going to get replaced. We funded one startup that's replacing keys. The fact that you can change font sizes easily means the iPad effectively replaces reading glasses. I wouldn't be surprised if by playing some clever tricks with the accelerometer you could even replace the bathroom scale.

The advantages of doing things in software on a single device are so great that everything that can get turned into software will. So for the next couple years, a good recipe for startups will be to look around you for things that people haven't realized yet can be made unnecessary by a tablet app.

In 1938 Buckminster Fuller coined the term ephemeralization to describe the increasing tendency of physical machinery to be replaced by what we would now call software. The reason tablets are going to take over the world is not (just) that Steve Jobs and Co are industrial design wizards, but because they have this force behind them. The iPhone and the iPad have effectively drilled a hole that will allow ephemeralization to flow into a lot of new areas. No one who has studied the history of technology would want to underestimate the power of that force.

I worry about the power Apple could have with this force behind them. I don't want to see another era of client monoculture like the Microsoft one in the 80s and 90s. But if ephemeralization is one of the main forces driving the spread of tablets, that suggests a way to compete with Apple: be a better platform for it.

It has turned out to be a great thing that Apple tablets have accelerometers in them. Developers have used the accelerometer in ways Apple could never have imagined. That's the nature of platforms. The more versatile the tool, the less you can predict how people will use it. So tablet makers should be thinking: what else can we put in there? Not merely hardware, but software too. What else can we give developers access to? Give hackers an inch and they'll take you a mile.

Sabado, Enero 21, 2012



I don't think Apple realizes how badly the App Store approval process is broken. Or rather, I don't think they realize how much it matters that it's broken.

The way Apple runs the App Store has harmed their reputation with programmers more than anything else they've ever done. Their reputation with programmers used to be great. It used to be the most common complaint you heard about Apple was that their fans admired them too uncritically. The App Store has changed that. Now a lot of programmers have started to see Apple as evil.

How much of the goodwill Apple once had with programmers have they lost over the App Store? A third? Half? And that's just so far. The App Store is an ongoing karma leak.

How did Apple get into this mess? Their fundamental problem is that they don't understand software.

They treat iPhone apps the way they treat the music they sell through iTunes. Apple is the channel; they own the user; if you want to reach users, you do it on their terms. The record labels agreed, reluctantly. But this model doesn't work for software. It doesn't work for an intermediary to own the user. The software business learned that in the early 1980s, when companies like VisiCorp showed that although the words "software" and "publisher" fit together, the underlying concepts don't. Software isn't like music or books. It's too complicated for a third party to act as an intermediary between developer and user. And yet that's what Apple is trying to be with the App Store: a software publisher. And a particularly overreaching one at that, with fussy tastes and a rigidly enforced house style.

Biyernes, Enero 20, 2012

Seeing with the HEART

"Seeing with the HEART"
“What is she?” Since this is not the first time I have heard this question, the stored-up, smart-aleck answers swirl through my mind. Instead, understanding that I am my daughter’s role model for handling life issues, I stifle the negativity and respond, “She’s beautiful, and smart, and well behaved, too.”
The clerk says, “Oh,” and glances at me, wondering if I just didn’t understand the question, and I smile because I understood the question right away, but I am only just now beginning to understand the real answer: that family is defined by bonds much deeper than birth, or skin color, or genetics. Like anyone lucky enough to experience “found” love, I believe that family is defined only by the heart.
I met my daughter, Rudy, while working as an audiologist at the Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs. She was a small, quiet, noncommunicative two-and-a-half-year-old—and my heart recognized her immediately.
I am the whitest of white women, and my daughter is some indefinable combination of all that is beautiful from at least three races: curly, dark hair; petite features; freckles; a golden tan skin tone; one blue eye and one brown. If her race had only one name it would be perfection.
My daughter and I share so much in common it never occurs to me that others might not see us as a family. That’s why I was startled the first time a stranger inquired about my daughter’s race and our relationship. I had forgotten that we didn’t look alike. The next time I was asked, I politely explained that we are mother and daughter and that Rudy’s race is unknown. The twentieth time somebody asked about my daughter’s race and our relationship, I explained why the questions were inappropriate. The fortieth time someone asked, I just pretended not to hear.
Now, after much time to reflect about the purpose of these questions, I understand. I understand that everyone wants love and acceptance. And these are such rare gifts that when people see them freely demonstrated, they are compelled to seek the source.
Recently, Rudy surprised me when a white-haired lady, standing right beside us, asked if I was her mother. Rudy threw the lady a disbelieving glance and said, “Well, she helps me with multiplication, fixes my hair, kisses me, and we both have freckles on our noses—who else could she be?”
When Rudy asks me to explain why people need to ask questions like that, I tell her not to worry, it’s the answers that really matter. The questions of race and family can be complicated to be sure, but I believe all of the answers can be found by seeing people first with the heart.
Clinical audiologist Stephanie Disney has led hearing screening programs for newborns and has served adults with mental disabilities and children with special health care needs.

Lunes, Enero 16, 2012

Technology created and perceived

Technology Changes"

It used to be so simple. A book had an author; a film, a screenwriter and director; a piece of music, a composer and performer; a painting or sculpture, an artist; a play, a playwright. You could assume that the work actually erupted more or less full-blown from these folks. In addition, the book, film, musical composition, painting or play was a discrete object or event that existed in time and space. You could hold it in your hands or watch or listen to it in a theater or your living room. It didn't really change over time unless the artist decided to revise it or a performer reinterpreted it.Well, not any more. For years now numerous observers have described the process by which the very fundaments of art are changing from the old principle of one man, one creation. Songs have remixes through which anyone so disposed can alter the original music; videos have mash-ups that use footage to reposition and change the original meaning; the visual arts have communal canvases and websites; poetry has Flarf, which allows one to generate verse from random words; , and books have collages, like David Shields' recent "Reality Hunger," which was assembled entirely, paragraph by paragraph, out of other authors' words. Recombinant art is the rage.
What all these fnology Chrms have in common is appropriation and a sense of rampant collaboration in which every work of art is simply raw material for anyone who decides to put his or her imprint on it, which then allows someone else to put his imprint on the imprint, which allows still someone else to put his imprint on the imprint on the imprint, and so on ad infinitum. You could call it Wiki-Culture after its prototype, Wikipedia, because like Wikipedia, it is a new form of democratic cultural construction in which everyone can make a contribution.
Of course communal culture is not a new concept. The process began a long time ago in folk art — who is the artist of the Lascaux cave paintings? — and it eventually entered the precincts of fine art with the borrowings of Duchamp, Warhol, Johns, Rauschenberg, Lichtenstein and others who deployed the detritus of popular culture in their work, albeit reformulated by them. If art was about life and life was now increasingly a product of mass consumption, then popular culture was a vast warehouse to be rummaged through and repurposed. That made the industrial designer of the Campbell soup can label or the Brillo box a collaborator with Warhol, Betsy Ross a collaborator with Johns, or little-known comic book artists collaborators with Lichtenstein.
Still, with Warhol and the Pop artists, there is a commanding sensibility: an artist using the larger culture for, and in a way, subordinating it to, his or her own ends. But over the last five years or so — and it is happening at a head-snappingly fast pace — the degree of appropriation and the number of collaborators has proliferated to the point at which there are not only literally millions of new art objects but also millions of new "artists" working in conjunction with one another, so that the very notion of authorship is becoming attenuated and archaic. Where people are invited to add to or edit an object, whose sensibility governs and who gets credit for the evolving creation? The most logical answer, as with Wikipedia, is that the author is the collective whole.

Sabado, Enero 14, 2012

Social Media for Social Change.

                                        Social Media for Social Change.

       The forum last January 12, 2012 focuses on the role of social media for to achieve  Social Change.The term social change is almost prehistorical in the Philippine setting. Our forefathers have fought and sacrificed their own lives in order to achieve this social change. The advent of social Change in the scene has changed the game of the society. Formerly, only the opinions of Leader, educated people, celebrities, and the church matters but today because of Facebook, twitter, YouTube, and etc. made everybody's opinion be heard all over the world. Because of Social Media the triangle once of pointing upward became inverted. Meaning to say people trusts people and the trust for those who in authority became less.

        In fact all of us are involved in this topic.This is how we could be able to achieved and protect ourselves to the bad affects that media has. The open forum focuses on how media can change the image about being biased of everything and it is already alarming for those who are working for justice like Maguindanao Massacre because popular people or high officials were behind on these situation.

        Social Media for Social Change I think that It is their way on how to spread the news using technology that is heavily used and using your own gadgets you can help to spread the news or they called change.This organization give us a thought that technology is not only for negative things but it is also give a positive side which is we can make a better change for making ourselves involved in one organization and it is "Think before you Click" that in a one situation , one news, one things that happen into ourselves we can help to solve the problems in our country.

         Social media, people can decide to move together and act as groups. “We’re living in these cataclysmic times where your one post can change significant events around the world,” said Ressa.With social media, anyone can be a journalist. Anyone can post a Facebook status or a Tweet that can literally change the world.Speakers all encouraged netizens to use social media for social change. “We’re the social media capital of the world. Let’s use it for nation-building. Let’s use it to make our world better,” Ressa said.

       Rappler multimedia reporter Natashya Gutierrez showed participants how Rappler is trying to adapt to the challenges of social media that they are trying to show us students that being a part of revolution it takes more time to a solution but rappler expalin to us students that all we are using gadgets not only for the entertainment but It can also use by spreading some idea or information to some individual. Social media can bring about positive events like the Arab Spring, it also has the power to bring about negative events like the London riots, where social media was used to organize looting.

       In the Philippines, Hofileña cited as example the cyber bullying that targeted law student Christopher Lao, who complained about not being informed about flood levels. He became an overnight Internet laughing stock after a clip of his interview went viral.Hofileña warned about the danger of carelessly posting anything online that can put one or even family members in vulnerable situations -- especially in the "age of screen grabs." Likewise, with constant updates via Twitter, for example, heavy users of social media can become desensitized to tragedy.

Lunes, Enero 2, 2012

"Fashion Style 2012"

                                                       "Fashion Style 2012"

       This day is the day that my sister and I is fun of watching 2012 fashion Style in the google because we would like to imitate the Korean Fashion style.It is now the most highly popular style this 2012. We come up with this Idea because we make ourselves different from 2011.This day Fashion make me feel that I have a talent in terms of designs and It is also the course that i want to take in Paris which is Fashion Designer.


I am also want to be IN style. Most of the teenager now a days is making IN to the Fashion Style.This website is the fashion I think give me an idea on how to change my style in terms of fashion. This day also gives me an idea on how to appreciate the things and fashion in our society.

Linggo, Enero 1, 2012

"New Year's EVE...Resolution"

                                              "New Year's EVE...Resolution"

        I am so excited and overwhelming this evening because It is the day that we are that going to celebrate the over welcome 2012 and they also say that this year is the evil year because It is now the end of the world but I don't believe it. I am already aware to this situation but the bible or GOD is the only way how we could be able to finished all the trials in our lives.

         This New Year all of us has a reason why he /she still living in this world. Most of us has a new year's resolution that's what I have. Actually I have a 20 things to do that I wrote on my Notebook and the most important and the number 1 is to exercise everyday because I know that I am already FAT. Most of my classmate tell me that I am not fat but for me I am already big because in our family my sister and my brothers is this so I noticed that i am the only one who is larger than them. So, that's the reason why I am still hoping that I can achieve the waistline which is 25.